Getting Started with Flesh and Blood: The Commoner Format and Community in Eastern Kentucky

Flesh and Blood Trading Card Game is a newer one, but its even newer to the community of Salyersville KY. Salyerville/Magoffin County really hasn’t had a solid card gaming community until, well AppalachiaTCG showed up. But, now we’ve all gotten a game that is smaller and hasn’t been around for 30+ years to get behind. That game is Flesh and Blood.

At AppalachiaTCG we focus on the commoner format, while we have weekly armories and still getting people involved more and more into card gaming this a very beginner and very budget friendly format. The true game of Flesh and Blood lies in the Classic Constructed format which we still play most of us, that have been playing for a bit anyways.

In this article we want to try to get more people not only in card gaming but into the world of Flesh and Blood.

What is the Commoner Format?

While commoner is Competitive, its not as scary or doesn’t require a ton of the high-value cards that you can place into your deck. Commoner allows you to play with Rare’s in your equipment slots, and your library is nothing but common cards.

I think and most of our community thinks commoner is the best, and most cost efficient way to get people into the game. You learn the core gameplay, you can start collecting, and it is tons of fune.

Another great thing is most if not all heroes are available to play with as long as they have a young version of the hero and rare or below! This format is also recognized by LSS as an official format and has bans regularly. You can find more information about the commoner format by going to or reading about it on our commoner page.

Why Play Commoner Format?

farmhouse diner, salyserville ky, flesh and blood tcg,

Commoner and Flesh and Blood in has brought so many people together. The TCG Community has never been stronger especially in this area of Salyersville KY. Being able to come hang out with a bunch of cool people and play some card games is something that this place has needed for a long time. The local diner owner of the Farmhouse Diner allows us to set up and sell Flesh and Blood and host events everyweek!

This is why you should play commoner, so you can learn an awesome card game, meet new people, and make new friends.

Building a Community in Magoffin County

Building the card gaming community hasn’t been an east task. I think now we have officially been trying to build this up for way over a year now. Starting out at regularly meetups at the library, to having our own place to play hasn’t been nothing short of hard work and a miracle. So many people that play Flesh and Blood and commoner are willing to even give you cards, show you how the play the game. It’s quite amazing what the community alone has accomplished in little over a year.

With no end in sight, Magoffin County might be one of the best places to learn and play the game of Flesh and Blood.

We welcome all new players to the community, we want to show you how to play the game and help you get into card gaming in general.

Joining the AppalachiaTCG Discord and Community

You can get started by joining the AppalachiaTCG Community Facebook group page. Here we share and talk about our upcoming events, share videos, share stuff happening in the card gaming community. Weather its local card shows, or bigger events happening int he region the AppalachiaTCG Community group on facebook is one you want to be a part of. Click on the photo below to join or click here.

AppalachiaTCG Facebook Group
Click the photo to join the official facebook group!

Not only do we have a facebook group we also have a discord server, which has tons of bots, and features as well as some flesh and blood veterans that love to talk about the game of flesh and blood in the good ole state of Kentucky. Discord is great for discussing the game over chat and even using the voice communications to play Talishar online!

That’s right some of us will show you even how to play online if you want to play even more Flesh and Blood and learn!

So here is what you need to join the community.

Joining 1 or the other is fine by us!

Visit, Join, and Play Flesh and Blood

If you don’t know where AppalachiaTCG the store and events are currently at, we are located at 1506 Royalton RD, Salyersville Kentucky. Located inside of the Farmhouse Diner we use the diner’s space for the events, and we sell cards all day long. If there is a something you want to look at off the shelfs just ask! You may also call 606-349-7114 to get more information or email – if you have any questions or concerns!

AppalachiaTCG kentucky community events flesh and blood and more

We currently have tons of events schedule which you can find on the front page or just by going to the events page here on the website!

Upcoming Events

I highly recommend everyone come out and at least give the game a try. I think anyone who really gives it a show will really enjoy it. AppalachiaTCG started off small, Magoffin County is small, this game and format is brining a lot of people together and is growing! This is something the community can really get behind!

Check Out AppalachiaTCG Store on TCGplayer

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