What’s going on Flesh and Blood friends, I’m going to give my thoughts and opinions today on the Aurora Armory Deck and wether you should get it and purchase it or not.
While we do indeed sell Flesh and Blood products here on the website, and in-store I’m going to give my best unbiased opinion to anyone that is wanting to get into Flesh and Blood.

In this article I will talk about Aurora and how I think she handles overall for new players and if I really think it’s going to be worth picking up or not.
What are armory decks?
First let’s start off with what are armory decks in the first place.
Armory decks are a per-constructed deck from Legend Story Studio that comes equipped with a full deck ready to play for the Classic Constructed format right off the shelf.
In my opinion armory decks are great, and almost everyone I’ve opened and used myself are ready and competitive enough to get you started at the local armory scene.

Are you going to able to win a World Pro Tour with one? Absolutely not, but they are just about the perfect starting point for someone to start off in Classic Constructed.
Some of the decks even offer cards that you can’t get anywhere else and are considered the best in slot or a few upgrades to cards.
What’s a 1st Strike Deck Then?

If your new to the Flesh and Blood TCG scene, then most likely you’ve heard of Blitz Decks, and 1st Strike Decks.
These decks are meant to be played against each other while learning the game. Overall I would say that the 1st strikes decks are a better overall value for someone to pick up then a per-constructed Blitz Deck.
Aurora and Terra where the first decks called “1st Strike Decks” and is currently the only way you can get the Terra young hero to even play.
That also brings up a good point, is that blitz decks, and 1st strike decks are all young versions of the heroes and are not used in Classic Constructed.
Classic Constructed is the adult version of the hero, and must not be Living Legend out to play in CC. Blitz is it’s own format, but the precons are meant to play against each other, and probably not at a local LGS in a Blitz Armory event. I would suggest upgrading your deck before trying to trying to compete even at the local level with a precon blitz deck or 1st strike deck, you most likely will have a terrible experience.
Use 1st strike and Blitz Precons against each other only for the most enjoyable experience.
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Visit The TCGplayer StoreThe Aurora Armory Deck
If you want to know how I started my Aurora Budget Friendly Armory deck, basically what I did is I bought 2 1st strike decks, combined them together to make 60 cards. I purchased the Adult Aurora Hero off of TCGplayer because for the life of my I could not hit it in a Rosetta Box, and then I ordered 3 of her specialization cards. This roughly took about $70 to do and what I ended up with was a great fast and friendly budget Classic Constructed deck.
I imagine and this is ONLY in my opinion and from other Official Armory decks I’ve opened and used. That this is really the value you are going to get when buying the official Armory deck. You will actually get majestic armor which my budget build does not have, sprinkled in with some cards you can’t get anywhere else.
The deck will be fast, fun, and beginner friendly.

Aurora is a Elemental Runeblade which the Essence of LIGHTNING, normally every build I’ve seen and used myself really hones in on going fast, going again, and going wide. Meanwhile if you use her Specialization card every single time you go again, it does ARCANE damage. It’s quite a combo you can pull off with the right cards.
Let’s also jump into the fact that Aurora is actually a really strong hero in the current meta (Circa 24-25). If you enjoy really pushing out a wide combat chain, and doing as much damage as possible with probably VERY little blocking then you will be wanting to pick up this deck.
If you where thinking about building Aurora, hold off and buy an armory deck, save your money for this potential deck without having to order a ton of different stuff off of tcgplayer. Start here and then upgrade, it is the perfect starting position for someone to get serious into the Classic Constructed format. Also, remember that this is coming from a TCGplayer seller!
Buying the Aurora Armory Deck will save you money and give you a great deck to go along with it.
Can You Compete With the Aurora Armory Deck at Your Local Event?
I will say this, you SHOULD 100% be able to compete at your local armory event with the deck off the shelf. Really, it’s according how your local armory meta is. Most people will play a down graded deck if they know newer people are playing. However, that being said sometimes everyone goes all out at local armories. Armories aren’t suppose to be taken super serious as they don’t really qualify you for anything and is used to get more people playing the game and learning the fundamentals.

Really, this comes down to your local environment. If you are new you should focus on becoming more knowledgeable of the game first instead of trying to win your first armory. But, I suspect the armory deck will be great coming directly out of the pack.
Aurora’s Playstyle: Strengths and Weaknesses
If you like a very aggressive deck then Aurora is going to be right up your ally. Now, you can build heroes a million different ways if you want too but mostly Aurora leans hard into lightning and go again. So she is a “wide” hero that likes to do some arcane damage. With instant spells and more she can do some really cool stuff. Most heroes will put on some arcane barrier gear just incase they can’t take that little extra arcane damage.
I’d say Aurora’s biggest weakness is blocking and playing against ice heroes like the recently released Jarl. Jarl can really slow down wide aggro decks and make them not be able to do anything for several turns. Follow up with that Aurora has cards that can’t even block. Aurora rarely has “3” on most of her lightning cards and some even end up with “0”. Don’t be expecting your game to last very long if you are playing her.
Conclusion: Should you get the Flesh and Blood Aurora Armory Deck
If you are just getting into the game, then picking up almost any of the Armory decks are a terrific starting point. They come with basically all of the fundamental cards for that hero that you need to get started. It is wise after you pick up one of the many armory decks. That you focus on getting some upgrades as it’s going to give you more chances at winning against people at your local armory.
If you’ve already been playing Aurora and have a Classic Constructed deck, there isn’t much value you are going to get from picking up the armory deck. Sometimes the Armory decks have a best in slot item that you can’t get anywhere else, only when the deck is fully release will we know if it will have some kind of equipment that you cannot get anywhere else!