Thoughts on the Biggest Commander Ban of 2024 & Podcast Episode 16

So here we are a few weeks out of the biggest Magic the Gathering commander ban of all time. There has been all kinds of rumors, thoughts, opinions and threats about this. I just wanted to write a little something about it and follow up with it probably a video my true thoughts on the matter. If you didn’t know as of this writing the Commander Rules Committee banned 4 cards.

  • Mana Crypt
  • Jeweled Lotus
  • Dockside Extortionist
  • Nadu, Winged Wisdom

Also, as of this writing the Commander Rules Committee has dissolved itself and handed back over the reigns to Wizard of the Coast.

Boy, things escalated quickly. Hopefully I can articulate my thoughts on the commander format why I think some bans where good, some didn’t make any sense, and why I still have no clue what in the world “Casual” commander is. Don’t forget you get get some sweet singles if you enjoy the content you see here, and also check out the online store!

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Overview of Banned Cards in Commander 2024

I think overall everyone hated Nadu, it might’ve been one of the quickest bans of all time, from people talking it absolutely ruined the Modern Format. I don’t have much to say about it, as I don’t play modern, but apparently it was broke in Commander as well too. So given that I don’t have a lot of experience with it, why even talk about it? Some people enjoyed the card but most agreed it made the game un-fun.

Now let’s get to the other 3.

Mana Crypt Ban

Mana Crypt really isn’t much more powerful than Sol Ring, both together in my opinion really made commander un-fun. If you get a turn 1 sol ring, and turn 1 crypt whose stopping you? I’ve played on MTGO and ran a “cEDH / Competitive Commander” deck that has this card in it, when I played it everyone just scooped. Because… really is there a reason to stick around? I wasn’t a fan of it but at least you did take damage if you flipped a coin and didn’t pick the right side. Still, well worth the risk for fast mana. What’s the downside in commander when you have 40 health? There’s not one, its all an advantage.

I for one won’t miss this card, but its not much more powerful than Sol Ring so what do I know? Sol Ring is $1-$2 for the basic print, Mana Crypt usually in the upper $100s.

Jeweled Lotus Ban

This ban is the one that doesn’t make any sense to me at all. Sure it was a great card, 3 mana but ONLY for your commander. It’s literally a card JUST for commander, that could ONLY cast your commander. Big advantage to have to cast those commanders with all kinds of colors, but I mean IT literally was just for commander it’s useless after that.

I don’t get this one in the slightest, and listen I don’t have a bunch in stock, or laying around worrying about the financial part of it. This card can ONLY cast your commander, sure it’s a GREAT card and it really gets your deck firing but its basically useless anywhere else but casting your commander. Is it fast yeap, but that’s it. It gets your commander on the board and then what?

Dockside Extortionist Ban

Dockside Extortionist in my opinion is kind of broken. It’s a 2 drop that basically gives you tons of mana in commander like CRAZY. Everyone is running mana rock artifacts , not to mention whatever else your opponents might be running in enchantments, bounce it a few times and well you got even more mana. It’s wild, there is 0 downside to this card, if it falls on the board and it doesn’t get countered you are so far ahead of everyone else it’s wild.

Why the Ban Was So Controversial

This Commander Ban was just wild, it came out of nowhere and the rules committee and everyone else in the commander/edh community always just said rule “0” if you don’t want to play against a certain card. Are there more cards that are worse that these cards, yes imo. I think Somthering Tithe and Rhysthic study is miserable to play against especially online cause it takes forever for stuff to resolve. In-person not so much cause you can skip ahead and let people just catch up.

There is also the financial impact that this had on card stores, collectors and more. It essentially dropped the value down on all of these cards, some of them at this point and time have recovered but stuff like this has to be taken into consideration.

Do I think it was necessary… it’s hard to say for me. I think that it was necessary for pick up groups online, or spelltable. Something that people just queue up with or click to play. It’s hard to “rule 0” anything if you are just randomly sitting down would be my only argument. Honestly, I think the line is very blurred between wanting to play a casual fun game of commander and this high end competitive “cEDH” is the main problem.

The Return of Control to Wizards of the Coast

The Magic: The Gathering Commander Rules Committee decided to dissolve after the backlash they faced online. There was idiots and morons that was threatened these peoples lives, and families because of a cardboard. Wizards from my understanding was never wanting to take control of the rules of commander. It’s looks like commander has became so popular that they had no choice but to step in and try to take over the format.

Which doesn’t make sense really to begin with, why was they printing specific sets, and decks for Commander but never really wanted to support it?

Maybe with WOTC at the helm they will make some significant and better changes for the format. I’ve heard and read online that they will be making decks or certain cards certain tiers. Which is much more clear than the “power level” of the deck. I never could get anyone to tell me the cards that made a deck power level 7 or a 9 for example.

Now the problem with the tier system, is everyone is just going to build the best deck for that tier all the time but at least at a certain tier level we can understand what cards we can play against in a random pick up group.

What is “Casual” Commander? Why It’s Still Confusing

Since I’ve been trying to get into commander I’ve always heard the phrase it is a “casual” format.

I still think to this day that this is the wrong word for commander. I think you can get up and casually play a game of commander, but the format is far from “Casual” everyone throws there best cards into it and plays to win. I mean it is a card game everyone wants to win at least somewhat. Magic the gathering is competitive just like any other game, video game, or sport.

Supposedly there is a difference between “cEDH” and “Commander” but I’ve never been able to get a clear understanding of what cards make one one casual and which one is competitive. Why the power system was a joke to begin with.

I’m ok with people playing good cards that’s fine commander should be fun, and enjoyable. I guess I just don’t get why you’d want to build a deck so powerful and use it to go against pre-constructed decks and pub stomp your friends. I like a fair challenge I guess is what I’m trying to say, it might not make a lot of sense. I have the most fun out of commander just talking and playing with my friends and colleagues just having a good time, not trying to get the combo off turn 3.

Conclusion: The Future of Commander After the Ban

Honestly, I think Commander and Magic: The Gathering is in a REALLY weird spot.

Commander is fine and it is fun. I’m from the old school of Magic where 60 cards is what you played, attempting to jump into Commander now and everyone just min-maxing their deck like crazy and showing up to a random event or get together and pub stomping everyone it’s much fun. I know I wouldn’t get any enjoyment out of it using my best deck against a bunch of new players but that’s just me.

If you are playing at a competitive event and everyone is on the same page that is fine use the best you go and go at it. Which is probably why Wizards needs to step in, it appears that everyone is leaving the 60 card formats and jumping into commander to play competitively cause that’s all anyone wants to play.

Myself, I enjoy pauper, and playing the Pauper format competitively its, cheaper than all of the other formats and it’s a blast.

Will we see more cards banned? I think so.

Will we see some cards unbanned… that’s hard to say but there are plenty of people speculating that.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this post, and enjoyed the podcast. Come hangout at one of our Magic the Gathering game nights, play some commander have fun.

Oh yeah we are starting a Precon league in Magoffin County check it out!

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